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Cornell University


Quisque libero metus, condimentum nec, tempor a, commodo mollis, magna. Etiam ut purus mattis mauris sodales aliquam. Vestibulum rutrum, mi nec elementum vehicula, eros quam gravida nisl, id fringilla neque ante vel mi. Nunc egestas, augue at pellentesque laoreet, felis eros vehicula leo, at malesuada velit leo quis pede. Cras non dolor.

November 14, 2021

David Marantes, Class of 2022, Government and History The Green Duck Company was established in 1906 by George G Greenburg and Henry J Duckgeischel The two were coworkers at...

November 14, 2021

Claudia León, Class of 2023, American Studies and Government In 1980, photographer Joe Conzo Jr captured this picture of Richie Pérez, Donna Caballero, and an unnamed man...

September 27, 2021

GREEN ARMOR: Wrap, Protect, Cover, Perform was curated from materials in the Cornell Fashion + Textile Collection and the Herbert F Johnson Museum of Art to explore and celebrate...

September 26, 2021

Maya Chang Matunis, Developmental Sociology, '20 Queercore punk band Limp Wrist are pioneers of a politically subversive and sonically antagonistic musical movement,...

September 20, 2021

Natalia Gulick, Class of 2021, Architecture The New York City Sub Culinary Map is a humorous subversion of the city’s subway system, where each station and landmark has...

September 20, 2021

Frances Gregor, Class of 2023, Architecture This 1930s poster advertises a 6-month Esperanto course at the Esperanto Center in Nijmegen, Netherlands The title and map are...

September 20, 2021

Mariana Bittencourt, Class of 2023, Architecture‘Fragments of Frieze’ is part of a series of photographs taken by William J Stillman in 1869 Stillman first picked up amateur...

September 13, 2021

John Colie, Class of 2023, English and History This flyer displays a calendar of scheduled performances through July and August 1988 for the Gilman Street Project, an all-ages...

September 2, 2021

When most people think of archives where historians work, they imagine rooms filled with rows of boxes bulging with documents, photographs and newspapers While these archives...

September 2, 2021

After Columbus’s “discovery” of the Americas, the Atlantic Ocean ceased to be a barrier separating two isolated worlds and became a highway that connected two ends of a...